„All works are the result of the reflection of a painful and liberating walk through the soul…“
Important INFORMATION’S relating to my new SERVICES for “Portrait Photography” and my new “PRINT SERVICES” regarding all my works shown here, you will find on this site below and in my „Profile“!
All Galleries on Facebook where you will find my works!
• My Gallery Site on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Peter-Allert-Photographer/261763923944445?ref=tn_tnmn
• My new SERVICE Site for „Portraits and Dream Faces“ related to my Portrait-Photography on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/peterallert.portraits?ref=hl
All other „Galleries & Portals“ where you will find my ART online!
portfolio for sale on “SAATCHI Art” (to find & buy my art):
portfolio for sale on “ART FINDER.COM” (to find & buy my art):
portfolio & projects on „LensCulture“:
portfolio on “1x.com“:
portfolio on “fotoblur”:
portfolio on “ARTlimited”:
portfolio on “fotocommunity”:
portfolio on “National Geographic”:
portfolio on “Vivatalenta”:
portfolio on „YouPic“:
portfolio on “deviant ART”: http://peterle28.deviantart.com/
portfolio on “500px”: http://500px.com/PeterAllert
portfolio on “SEE/ME”: https://peterle28.see.me/
portfolio on “Tallenge”: http://www.tallenge.com/peter-allert
portfolio on „ArtStack“: https://theartstack.com/artists/peter-allert
portfolio on „STRiKiNG“: http://strkng.com/photographer-peterallert1.5650b3e22bddb31290xorxwonu5650b3e22be37.html
Editorial accounts:
account and gallery on “VOGUE Italy”:
account and gallery on “model management.com”:
account and gallery on “GoSee”:
account and gallery on “VIEW Stern”:
My ”You Tube” channel with my created video clips and interviews:
My whole INTERVIEW as VIDEO in the Art and Creative TV Station from Hamburg, “Tiede TV”, about my life, my work and myself:
My social networks:
My private & main site on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/peter.allert.77
My Gallery Site on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Peter-Allert-Photographer/261763923944445?ref=tn_tnmn
My account on Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/peterallert/faces-of-soul/
My account on Instagram: https://instagram.com/peterle28/
My account on Twitter: https://twitter.com/PeterAllert28
My account on Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/112144987171792979813/posts
My account on Scoop.it!: http://www.scoop.it/t/soul-faces
My account on flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/127101126@N02/
My account on Tumblr: http://peterle28.tumblr.com/
My account on “Ello”: https://ello.co/peterallert
My „LinkedIn“ profile:
Important interviews & publications:
published works on “VOGUE Italy”: http://www.vogue.it/en/photovogue/Portfolio/a0bed6bf-ac79-40e3-bf62-14798313fd57/Image
published works on “—photolicioux”: http://photolicioux.wordpress.com/tag/peter-allert/
published works on “All-About-Photo.com“ — Interview with Peter Allert: http://www.all-about-photo.com/photographer.php?name=Peter%20Allert&id=388
published works on „Words Social Forum” – Centro Sociale dell’Arte — Interview with Peter Allert:
published works on „RINSE Magazine“ Ghosts and Fays — Interview with Peter Allert:
published works and my own stories on „MEDIUM“:
published works & projects on „LensCulture“:
THANK YOU SO MUCH TO THE TEAM OF „LensCulture“, especially to ‚Jim Casper‘, founder, editor & publisher of LensCulture, for this great honor! My project including 12 images, has been featured in May 2015 by ‚LensCulture Editors‘ Pick‘ and finally you will find it on the LINKS bellow…
– My featured project ‚Shades of Reflections in Black and White‚: https://www.lensculture.com/peter-allert?modal=true&modal_type=project&modal_project_id=106764
– The Editors‘ pick gallery: https://www.lensculture.com/editors_pick
– My profile on LensCulture with all other Projects: https://www.lensculture.com/peter-allert
published works on “SAATCHI ART“:
- My first great feature on “Saatchi Art” in a Collection with 49 other great artists
My work “Nobody Knows…” has been selected in May 2013 for the “The Naked Eye: New Photography Collection”
by Rebecca Wilson (Chief Curator and Director, Artist Development, Saatchi Online Director, Saatchi Gallery) in SAATCHI ART… So many thanks to Rebecca Wilson!
Rebecca Wilson is Chief Curator and Director, Art Advisory at Saatchi Art. She was formerly a Director at the Saatchi Gallery London, where she was instrumental in the launch of the gallery’s online presence.
The direct link to this Collection: http://www.saatchionline.com/art-collection/Photography-Digital-Mixed-Media/The-Naked-Eye-New-Photography/153961/45823/view/1
- In August 2015, this work was selected again, for the collection “Dwell On Design: Photography” with56 other artists!
Thank you so much for the Curation by SAATCHI ART Los Angeles, CA, United State
The direct link to this Collection: http://www.saatchiart.com/art-collection/Photography-Digital/Dwell-On-Design-Photography/2/48634/view
- Two of my works are featured on “Saatchi Art” in a Collection with 36 other great artists
What a great appreciation… two of my works, „Trace of Pandora“ and „Death of an Angel“, are featured in the “SAATCHI ART collection” of 37 items in ‘L.A. Noir’… So many thanks to Associate Curator ‘Katherine Henning’ of Saatchi Art for this appreciation!
The direct link to this Collection: http://www.saatchiart.com/art-collection/Painting-Photography-Drawing/L-A-Noir/685448/108330/view
- My fifth featured work on “Saatchi Art” in a Collection with 49 other great artists
The work “Ghost Eyes of a Soul” has been featured in the “SAATCHI ART collection” of 50 items in ‘B&W Photography’… So many thanks again to Associate Curator ‘Katherine Henning’ of Saatchi Art for this appreciation!
The direct link to this Collection: http://www.saatchiart.com/art-collection/Photography/B-W-Photography/685448/110852/view
- My sixth featured work on “Saatchi Art” in a Collection with 51 other great artists
My work “Silent spirit in faint prior this world…” has been featured in the “SAATCHI ART collection” of 52 items in ‘New Photography’… Special thanks to Associate Curator ‘Katherine Henning’ of Saatchi Art for this appreciation!
The direct link to this Collection: http://www.saatchiart.com/art-collection/Photography/New-Photography/685448/111498/view
- My seventh, eigth and nineth feature including three of my works on “Saatchi Art” in a Collection with 37 other great artists
My works “After I Lost Myself…”, “Fly Away From Your Pain…” and “Yearning For Hope”
has been selected in August 2015 for the collection “Art for Analogue Lover” with 39 other works in Saatchi Art!
So many thanks for this great appreciation to the Curator „Gail Acosta“ Los Angeles, CA, United States
The direct link to this Collection: http://www.saatchiart.com/art-collection/Photography-Painting-Collage/Art-for-the-Analogue-Lover/801043/111827/view
- My tenth feature and this in a collection on Saaatchi Art’s Homepage! I can not believe this great honor… my work „FRAGILITY“ has been chosen to be featured in the ‘In Focus: New Photography Collection’ on Saatchi Art’s main site!
Date: 24. August 2015 / Total Items 42 / Many thanks to Rebecca Wilson Chief Curator and Director at SAATCHI ART and the team!
I got that Email from ‘SAATCHI Art’:
“On behalf of chief curator Rebecca Wilson and the Saatchi Art curation team, I’m very pleased to let you know that your work ‘FRAGILITY’ has been chosen to be featured in the ‘In Focus: New Photography Collection’ on Saatchi Art’s homepage.“
The direct link to this Collection: http://www.saatchiart.com/art-collection/Photography-Printmaking/In-Focus-New-Photography/153961/112341/view
- My eleventh featured work on “Saatchi Art” in a Collection with 49 other great artists
My work “BLACK EYE” has been featured in September 2015 in the “SAATCHI ART collection” of 50 items in ‘Halloween Collection’ Special thanks to the Curator ‘Gail Acosta’ of Saatchi Art Los Angeles, CA, United States for this appreciation!
The direct link to this Collection: http://www.saatchiart.com/art-collection/Painting-Photography-Printmaking/Halloween-Collection/801043/113522/view
- My twelfth feature and this in a collection on Saatchi Art’s Homepage! What a great honor… my work “eyes wide shut” has been chosen to be featured in the ‘New Portraits collection’ on Saatchi Art’s main site!
Date: 12. October 2015 / Total Items 50 / Special thanks to ‘Hayley Miner’,Curator at SAATCHI ART / Categories: Photography, Painting, Printmaking, Drawing
The direct link to this Collection: http://www.saatchiart.com/art-collection/Photography-Painting-Printmaking/New-Portraits-collection/788691/116649/view
All important INFORMATIONS relating to my “PRINT SERVICES” regarding all my ART works and my SERVICES for “Portrait Photography” you will find here:
All about Me:
My Inspirations / Motivations / Thoughts / Bio / Resume / Education
Find me under my Hashtag: #peterallert
My whole interview in the Art- and Creative – TV stations from Hamburg, „Tiede TV“, about my life, my work and myself: