Philosophie of PETER ALLERT*
© Peter Allert* 2013. All rights reserved. My pictures can’t be reproduced without my written permission!
Hope in this time! Hope for more humanity around us and against racism and intolerance, especially violence against women! These works shall be also a symbol for that, without all accusations and only through the thinking about the wonderful humans and souls around us…
The parts of the mystery of our own existence. Tracing the changes occurring around and reflected in human souls…
As a little boy I dreamed of good spirits and fairies – I was intrigued by this mystical world!And so this dream accompanied my life … When I felt my soul again, after a long, terrible crisis in September 2012, I knew very quickly with this message deal. I was aware that puts a special soul in some, few people! And this I felt ever again and again. So this new photography had to include this topic.
“Ghosts & Fays” and “Souls”! I always start with this debilitating feeling! There is a desire … partly a painfully strong desire that is born out of my depth, out of myself! It’s really hard to describe with words what drives me to take the camera and start a new project! – There is no motivation necessary because it is the pure passion, if the appropriate moment has arrived! It’s all about that moment, that when my emotions are ready and my soul opens up entirely!
It is all about LOVE…
All my works shall confess clear, to the most important point of our all life – to conclude peace on every place at our planet and save our surrounding world! A dream for more tolerance and more love for each other, but also for more respect in regard to the nature… And a dream for the equal rights of all women around the world!
The female spirit is the meaning of LIFE!
All emotions out of me, which based on psychological sources, my heart and my soul!
As person for inspiration with great distance to all the other great artists, are Edward Steichen, Robert Mapplethorpe and Paolo Roversi .
So emotional portraits are my favourites to photograph. Tracing the changes occurring around and reflected in human souls…
Themes like emotional and critical photography, surrealism, magic and dark art are important for me. A symbolism little world of emotions out of my soul as reflection into my work!
The parts of the mystery of our own existence.
Tracing the changes occurring around and reflected in human souls…
My complete ART-galleries online and worldwide:
NOTIFICATION!All important INFORMATION’S relating to my “PRINT SERVICES” regarding all my ART works and my SERVICES for “Portrait Photography” you will find here:
Die ganze Kraft und Freude von jetzt an aus mir selbst zu schöpfen, dies ist und bleibt mein Leben lang mein ZIEL! Keine Fremdbestimmung mehr, keine Zwänge durch den sogenannten Zeitgeist oder gar durch irgend einen Mainstream…. Ich arbeite täglich daran, dass dies nicht geschehen mag!
Peter Allert*
That’s really interesting. Thanks for posting all the great information! Had never thought of it all that way before.
Peter, ich bin echt beeindruckt, wie ausdrucksstark jedes einzelne deiner Bilder ist. Jedes für sich.
Und in der Gesamtheit ein Portfolio, das in sich stimmig und authentisch ist und wirklich Freude bereitet „durchzublättern“. Gefällt mir ausserordentlich gut. Moritz*
Danke dir für dieses schöne Kompliment und es freut mich sehr, dass dir die Seite gefällt.