Featured 28.05.2013 in „The Naked Eye: New Photography Collection“ by Saatchi Online!
Featured 28.05.2013 in „The Naked Eye: New Photography Collection“ by SAATCHI art!
WOW!!! I can’t believe it… my first great feature at SAATCHI art!
My work „Nobody Knows…“ has been selected today for the „The Naked Eye: New Photography Collection“
by Rebecca Wilson (Chief Curator and Director, Artist Development, Saatchi Online Director, Saatchi Gallery)
She wrote me in her Email:
„I wanted to let you know that I have chosen your work as part of our Naked Eye: Photography collection which is currently on our homepage and will be featured in other promotional materials. Do pass the link around to anyone you think might be interested.
While we are in touch, can I as you to make sure your profile is up to date with information about you, your education, any shows you have done or have coming up? This kind of information is hugely helpful to us and collectors interested in your work. It can really make a difference when it comes to selling your work. And please also do make sure to amend your profile if you sell a work elsewhere so that we don’t sell it twice!
Thanks so much!
Total Items: 59
Categories: Photography, Digital, Mixed Media
I’m so happy, wonderful… My first Feature at Saatchi Online included in a group of 59 other admirable artists… !
You can find my work on the first page of „The Naked Eye“ via the following LINK below:
„The Naked Eye collection: New Photography“
Featured Collection by Saatchi Online:
This collection was also featured at the top site of Saatchi Online for a while!!!
Featured 12.05.2013 in the video „Helios vs. Charles Bukowsky (COTXETXE Mashup)“ – ON „YouTube“: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-mhZBW8wK0