I was been featured the first time by “ARTlimited”
Now the greatest NEW’s for me and my work!
I was been featured the first time by “ARTlimited”, with my work “LOST IN SPACE…”!
A great appreciation! Please look at the right page, because my work is moving there…
Editor selection of ARTlimited: http://www.artlimited.net/browse/?lg=en
You can find my feature directly here: http://www.artlimited.net/image/en/452876
My work „SEE ME“ (https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=369975019790001&set=a.276997299087774.67440.261763923944445&type=1&theater) has been featured at the wonderful group of art „All Things Lost on Earth“: https://www.facebook.com/pages/All-Things-Lost-on-Earth/261274697264912 – Thank you much kindly!
Now the greatest NEW’s for me and my work!
I was been featured the first time by „ARTlimited“, with my work „LOST IN SPACE…“!
A great appreciation! Please look at the right page, because my work is moving there…
Editor selection of ARTlimited: http://www.artlimited.net/browse/?lg=en
You can find it directly here: http://www.artlimited.net/image/en/452876
WOW! And one day later I got my first FEATURE at „Fotoblur“ with the same work… incredible!!! A great honor, for me – Thank you!