There are so many special days in the life of a woman, a girl … like birthdays, or other memorable occasions … as the most important day in a woman’s life, the day of her wedding!
A wonderful wedding portrait with the splendor of a sensitive art photos, full of femininity, depth, and the radiant character of this subtle face with the charm of the inscrutable and mysterious femininity!
Hello dear friends and female art lovers,
this site for me has a great importance in the future because I want to offer some special services for all of you, the very first time in this kind… if you will be interested! These will be extended and supplemented, so that my offer is continuously grow on for you again and again.
Generally I want my images represent unique items, which are expected to contribute in an artistic way to the modern image of women in this day and age to another, even to show a new way …
their sensitivity and their female sphere like about my work give a special Face with the women and this should be set individually to those sensations which I have received in my work each from the soul of the female sphere of this human!
The main areas of my artistic range of services I would like to run you below. On this page you can select what you wish for and what I can do for you in this regard:1. Would anyone of you an exceptional and artistic portrait by itself, with a magical and fairy effect? As you can see beautiful in my photos, I have specialized in every girl and every woman to be able to do something very beautiful! About my skills in photography, I am able to create an unforgettable ART portrait of each character.
Each female face can get a mystical and magical expression through my pictures and so will be an unforgettable and unique vision of a fay! 2. Or you would like several photos in a series of photographs… or for example, a beautiful photo book, filled with fairytale and magical portraits only of you?
Upon request, I could imagine corresponding offers in all price ranges, including with regard to the prices of my portraits! So please feel free to call me or send me an email … or simply contact me on Facebook via private message – I will be happy to advise you.
Finally you will also find all the important art photo galleries, in which I am present with my award-winning work. Also, all contact INFORMATION I have listed there for you! 3. If you are interested in my here shown multiple distinguished photographs, I offer an excellent PRINT- service for art lovers and collectors. This service provides on demand limited editions prints on „Hahnemühle FineArt paper“ of 25 cm side length up to 100 cm on a side … or even prints on a cheaper paper… maybe a wonderful gift idea!
Everything else I’ll be happy to explain in detail in a telephone call or in writing upon request.
If you are interested, please drop me a private message via Facebook or an EMAIL (peterallert@t-online.de).
Or you can call me on land line 0049 40/25331893 – shouldn’t I be at home, so please leave me a message on the answering machine.
All other Galleries where you will find my works!
My „Gallery Site“ and „Fan Page“ on Facebook:
My private site on Facebook:
My new site for „portraits and dream faces“ related to my SERVICES for Portrait-Photography on Facebook:
My best works you will find at my hompage:
My galleries and portfolios in other portals for ART:
portfolio on „SAATCHI online“: http://www.saatchionline.com/profiles/portfolio/id/387837
portfolio on „fotoblur“: http://www.fotoblur.com/people/soulfaces
portfolio on „Stark-Magazine“: http://www.stark-magazine.com/member/peterallert/posts
portfolio on „ARTlimited“: http://www.artlimited.net/24335
portfolio on „500px“: http://500px.com/PeterAllert
portfolio on „Pinterest“: http://www.pinterest.com/peterallert/faces-of-soul/
portfolio on „Vivatalenta“:http://www.vivatalenta.com/activity-stream/803-peterallert/photos/album.html?albumid=639
portfolio on „National Geographic“: http://yourshot.nationalgeographic.com/profile/578169/
portfolio on „ARTFreeLife“: http://www.artfreelife.com/members/peterallert#.U1-YgSjDV2c
portfolio on „PENTAPRISM“: http://pentaprismcommunity.org/members/peterallert/media/
portfolio on „sensual photography“: http://www.sensual-photography.eu/portfolio-uk-peter-allert-2656.html
published works on „VOGUE Italy“:
account and gallery on „View STERN“:
„Faces of Soul“ on Pinterest:
My account on Twitter:
My account on Google+:
My account on Scoop.it!:
My own „You Tube channel“ with my first own video productions and interviews:
All emotions out of me, which based on psychological sources. My heart and my soul.
As persons for inspiration with great distance to all the other great artists, are Edward Steichen and Robert Mapplethope.
So emotional portraits are my favourites to photograph. Tracing the changes occurring around and reflected in human souls…
Themes like emotional and critical photography, surrealism, magic and dark art are important for me. A symbolism little world of emotions out of my soul as reflection into my work!
My Motivation:
„As a little boy I dreamed of good spirits and fairies – I was intrigued by this mystical world!And so this dream accompanied my life … When I felt my soul again, after a long, terrible crisis in September 2013, I knew very quickly with this message deal. I was aware that puts a special soul in some, few people! And this I felt ever again and again.
So this new photography had to include this topic. “Ghosts & Fays” and “Souls”! And „Dream Faces“ from girls and women!
I always start with this debilitating feeling! There is a desire … partly a painfully strong desire that is born out of my depth, out of myself! It’s really hard to describe with words what drives me to take the camera and start a new project! There is no motivation necessary because it is the pure passion, if the appropriate moment has arrived! It’s all about that moment, that when my emotions are ready and my soul opens up entirely!“
The German artist photographer Peter Allert has made his studies of Biology-Chemistry, Technical, and Scientific-Photography at the Munich Technical University.
He was firstly a scientist photographer before becoming passion er for art photography, and created in partnership in Munich the Allert & Photography Hoess company in 1989. Among his clients we count major manufacturers such as Mercedes Benz, Audi, VW, BMW, Ford, Philip Morris, McDonalds, Ballantines, Wrigley, Veltins, Wella, Miele, Bosch, Dresdner Bank, Deutsche Bahn AG, Siemens, Logitech, MAN Microsoft, Greenpeace and other customers.
For the art part, his technique of creation is quite complex : he takes its subjects under different types of exhibitions with lighting (DEDO Lights) that he fix for each angle and adds various configurations.
Peter Allert’s technical photograph is very studied, mixture of poetry and expression of the soul of the subject, the light, the colours, the angle of view, the game blur, all working together to bring out the emotions.
Photography by Peter Allert*
© 2014